Hair by Prinshell

My boyfriend Blake recently drove us all the way to Cary, North Carolina. We came from New York so that I may get my hair done by Prinshell Williams. I first learned of Prinshell about 4-5 years ago while following Helicia better known as iKnowLee on Youtube. She showed a video of Prinshell laying and slaying her hair into a beautiful layered straight hair cut, and after she went back curly all her hair reverted back. I thought it was amazing. 

4-5 years later, I was Youtube searching "Straightening Natural Hair" when Prinshell's own Youtube channel popped up. She has 2 videos of her doing a clients hair a year apart showing her washing, straightening, and trimming process. Also, how her clients long term consistency with her trims has allowed her to see optimal health and plenty of growth. I was in awe that she was able to get her clients hair sooo straight using only a 375 heat setting. 

I saw her Instagram was linked in her description box and I proceeded to go to Prinshell's Instagram to check out her other work. I was amazed to find all kinds of different textures, densities, and hair types all getting their hair straightened and cut to the Gods! All the while, being able to return to their curls with no problem. Being someone who grew up as, 1st an artist, but also someone who appreciates and has a passion for hair and hair care, I could quickly see that Prinshell also had a great passion for her craft and work and that she is indeed and artist as well. She explains that she is always upfront, forward, and honest with her clients about the health of their hair and is informative with what it needs to move forward in their healthy hair journey. 

Being that I've been doing the hair of all my friends and family since I was 11 (I am not a liscensed stylist by the way.) I have done lots of research on haircare and the importance of trims. Whenever I straightened my friends hair I would always take a picture and show them the back of their hair and point out where it needs to be trimmed or cut. When they see what you're talking about, they can also be confident in you as their stylist that you're seeking their hairs best interest. So I was very amazed to see a stylist who takes the time out to take a picture of the back of her clients head, or have them feel their hair, and tell the difference of healthy hair versus unhealthy hair. 

Long story short, it didn't take long for me to see that other than my Mom, I could trust Prinshell as a stylist. So I booked an appointment with her, not caring how I would get to her. I looked at bus tickets and plane tickets, and told my boyfriend about my plan. He quickly offered to drive me down being he didn't want me to travel my first time by myself. I was very anxious the weeks leading up to my appointment. My appointment was October 12th at noon. 

I arrived and she was very conversational and friendly. She washed my hair, blow dried it straight, had me feel my ends and what needed to be cut, tended to my layers, made my hair blunt (my favorite hair shape), and proceeded to flat iron on only 350 degrees! I received the precision cut. It was very humid that day so she wrapped my hair up. Even after I left, Prinshell texted me and checked in on my hair and was interested in seeing how my curls reverted once I go back curly. I really loved the time she took and the care she showed me and my hair even after I left. 

When I got back to New York I took my hair down and I had so much body! It was really beautiful and you can feel how great of a cut it is. I am so excited to go back curly and see how my curls pop! It is so hard finding a good hairstylist who will tend to all the mental prerequisites one has for their hair. I know some people thought I was so extra to travel to North Carolina just to get my hair done. But I love my hair and I want it to thrive and I have not found a New York stylist who comes close! 

Let's not forget my loving supportive boyfriend who drove me genuinely wants me happy. So I will be continuing to see Prinshell every 3-4 months as she recommends to maintain my hairs health and length! You can book an appointment with Prinshell at her Cary, North carolina location here. You Can book an appointment at her Houston location here.

Stay tuned for my video on Prinshell styling my hair, which will be up on Monday October 16. As well as my updated length check video, which will be up on Thursday October 19!


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  2. Prinshell is really dope! I felt the same away about going back to my curly styles -- you can absolutely tell the difference. My hair was so happy, and easier to manage because it was healthy. I booked my next appointment right away. I have to say...I'm a bit mad Prinshell ain't text me to inquire further about my tresses ...馃...I'm jelly. Your hair looks dope, and I too followed P for like 3 to 4 years before making my appointment -- jus cause you know -- gotta be sure!


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