The Blood That Was Shed

I wanted to honor Native Americans. Being that Thanksgiving is around the corner and it is widely known for Columbus "discovering" America. The European pilgrims coming to America and traded with the Natives who welcomed them as they gave thanks and shared food and had a jolly ol' time. When in reality, America was stolen from the natives, and the white men who came over to the Americas murdered these people. Then, changed the story later to make it seem like they came over, civilized the savages, and they were thankful. So many lies in our history books and lots of info left out smh.

I have Native American ancestry My grandmothers grandmother was Blackfoot Native American. As well as my grandfathers family having Powhatan ancestry (aka Pocahontas is my cousin lol :) I took artistic license with this image. I didn't take from anything specific or try to show any historical aspects per sé. Many of the pictures and images of Native Americans depict the Indians in full war paint. Many tribes of Native Americans painted their bodies and faces for rituals, dances and for battle. The designs painted were believed to hold magic powers for protection. Red Color Symbolizes war, blood, strength, energy, power and success in war paint but might also symbolise happiness and beauty in face paint. 

I painted my face with red paint from the outside creases of my eyes up to my hairline. I then matched the red paint line with my fingers from the knuckles down. I wore red lipstick, Ruby Woo by MAC. I wanted to depict the strength and culture of Native Americans while simultaneously showing how the red paint expressed all the blood that was shed. 
