Happy 60th Birthday Mommy

Today, December 7th is my mommy Vinnie Bagwell's 60th birthday. Doesn't she look great? 

My mother is the most genuine and nicest person I know. I wish I received more of her gift of kindness and patience. She will do anything for anyone she cares for. She made my childhood a childhood I can look back on with happiness. So many people find out later how disappointing their parents truly are and I must say there is nothing disappointing about my mother. Yes, like many parents she can get on my last nerve. But I find myself always trying to mentally train myself to be a better daughter to her so I can match how much of a great mother she has been to me. I hope that one day I can be as great as a mother as she has been to me. She is supportive, and always sees the best in me. She always wants what is best for me, and she always pushes me to be better than I am today because she sees my potential. I love you Mommy and I wish you many many MANY more birthdays!
