Ice Queen

The entire thing was Photoshopped cause I was being lazy and didn't feel like putting all this shimmer, glitter, and white makeup on my face lol. I literally had no makeup on and I just added whatever I wanted in Photoshop. 

I started off with my eyes. I added white eyelashes to my lower and upper lids. Then, I made my eyes icy and light. I then lightened my eyebrows. I changed the luminosity and made the mode Pin Light to create a white effect. I added contour and some white spotting/shimmer to my face. I made my hair very ashy. I added an ice crown. Added a diamond choker. I have one but I forgot to put it on before I took the picture lol. I also added a diamond finger ring, it is kinda funky looking but I like it. Kind of goes with the whole look. I added shimmer and sparkle to my collarbone and shoulder. I inserted a icy mountain background. I added ice shards to the front of the image and changed the opacity to 57% so that you can see through it. And that is pretty much it!.. Oh and I changed my lip color. In the original picture my lipstick was red, I changed it to grey and added some dark and light tonal effects. 
