I took this image with some satin high waisted pants then tied a ribbon in the front. Originally, they were a light pink, but I photoshopped them a light blue. I was topless (clearly.) I wore a nude lip, which I later photoshopped a cool grey color. I photoshopped my red bracelet, blue. My hair was straight, I pinned the back away to make it look like I had a short bob, only showing my bangs. I also duplicated myself an additional 3 times. This image was inspired from a Rihanna picture from her ANTI album. Hence the title. 

My style is risqué yet classy. Edgy yet sassy. I do a lot of imagery that compliments the human body, specifically mine. It is not everyones cup of tea. But I really feel I have closely mastered the art of imagery. I know how to, "capture the eye and hold its attention." This goes for any art medium I choose. This is actually my artist statement in my graphic design portfolio. Yes, a lot of my self portraiture photos are of me borderline nude or looking very risqué and Rihanna/Beyoncesque. Who are very influential to me actually. But I implement it in a way that is not nasty or classless. I know the line, although very thin, I walk it fearlessly, and never fall on the other side of it. Like modeling. And though I don't consider myself a model, I am an artist. I have had people tell me that people like to be nude in front of the camera just to get male attention and labeling it "art" as a means to not look, for lack of a better word, hoe-ish. To me, that is a very shallow way of thinking and shows me the lack of exposure and lack of self awareness a lot of people possess. The body is not only a means for sexual desire. It is SELF...apart of self acceptance and self discovery. I am very comfortable in the skin I am in, and I do not feel a need to alter it or change it in any way, nor do I long for what others have. It is easy to say that posting nakie pics makes you a "hoe" or an attention whore. But for me, when you know yourself, and you know your talents, your ideas, your body, your looks, how to express it all... it is more of self expression and self care. Which leads me to the word ANTI... which is " a person opposed to a particular policy," which goes for others as well as myself. What is for or not for you maybe be for me or not for me. But it is our own personal way of expression or lack there of. The "policy" is to keep covered and not show all your assets in order to "deserve" respect from... anyone. But for me, I demand respect anyway because I am so bold and expressive. People can't help but to respect, accept, love, wish, hope, want, desire, get inspired... 
